Category Archives: Knowledge Hub


New SaaS Product Is the First and Only Technology Offering System-wide Intelligent Alerting of Potential [...]

API RP 1187 Recommended Practice for Managing Landslide Hazards for Pipeline Integrity Explained, and How to Implement

Introduction to API Recommended Practices Landslides are complex geological phenomena that can have devastating effects [...]

The Evolution and Applications of Environmental Twin Technology: Webinar Insights

This article follows up on insights shared during the Pennsylvania Geospatial Coordinating Board’s recent webinar [...]

Strange Bumps in the DTM: How Teren’s LiDAR Analytics Helped A Renewable Energy Investor See the True Terrain

We think there are holes in the digital terrain model.  That’s what an engineering firm [...]

Understanding Post-Wildfire Hazards & Insurance Implications: A Conversation with Leading Geomorphologist John Norman

As wildfires like the recent ones in Los Angeles become increasingly prevalent across our landscapes, [...]

Pipeline Integrity Management: Protecting Critical Infrastructure from Natural Force Threats 

Introduction Pipeline infrastructure serves as the backbone of global energy networks, delivering the resources that [...]

Debris Flows: Understanding Nature’s Destructive Geological Phenomenon

Introduction Nature has few forces as swift and destructive as debris flows. These geological phenomena [...]

8 Ways Geospatial Data Transformed Business Applications in 2024

Geospatial data has transformed the way humans and businesses interact and engage. By leveraging the [...]

Predicting Landslides: Teren’s Hydrology Modeling Validated by Hurricane Helene

In the wake of Hurricane Helene, Teren worked with USGS data to validate its innovative [...]

Enhancing site suitability surveying: 5 key spatial data approaches for pre-construction site engineers and surveyors

For site engineers and surveyors, pre-construction surveying is a critical phase that sets the stage [...]

10 Game-Changing Analytics for Modern Forestry and Land Stewardship

In the ever-evolving field of land and forestry management, the ability to analyze and interpret [...]

Policy Update: Two Major Legislative Wins for Wildfire Technology & Management

The wildfire management policy landscape is evolving rapidly with two recent significant legislative advancements at [...]

Slope Stability Explained, and It’s Relationship with Landslides

Have you ever wondered what makes a grassy hillside stay put instead of sliding down [...]

Fundamentals of Geospatial Data Science (for the Non-scientist)

The article lays out the basics of geospatial data for the non-scientist.

Elevating the Traditional Topographic Wetness Index with Teren’s Climate-Enhanced TWI

What is TWI? The Topographic Wetness Index (TWI) has long been a staple in modeling [...]

From Fire to Future: Using Spatial Analysis Tools for Wildfire Recovery in New Mexico

Wildfires: Balancing Prevention with Post-Fire Response With the ever-expanding 2024 wildfire season is off to [...]

AI and Data Science: 3 Emerging Trends to Solve Environmental Challenges

Discover how AI is revolutionizing data science. Learn how data analysis and insights from AI [...]

7 geologic hazards and their water-related triggers

Water is a powerful force that shapes our environment and influences a variety of geologic [...]

What is an Environmental Twin?

Teren's environmental twin platform is designed to deliver accurate digital replicas of changing environmental conditions. [...]

Coupling High-Fidelity Data & Hydrologic Modeling Expertise for Wetland Restoration

Teren’s high-fidelity data and modeling improved the wetland restoration process for mitigation compensatory bank permitting [...]
