In a recent webinar titled “Unleashing the Power of Weather & External Force Data to Identify Environmental Threats,” Teren introduced a cutting-edge methodology for identifying and analyzing environmental risks using high-resolution, scientifically validated data. Part of their Environmental Twin Series, this event featured speakers from Teren, including Jake Opdahl and Austin Savage, as well as Brian Ellis from pipelinelogic, an organization specializing in pipeline integrity management.

Teren Speakers

The webinar aimed to demonstrate how curated hazard layers can reveal the critical factors for managing and monitoring environmental threats. By leveraging dynamic data, they showed how it can revolutionize risk models and pinpoint areas that require closer examination. The key insights provided in this exclusive event included:

  1. Statistically Validated Data Models: Attendees learned how to harness the power of statistically validated and scientifically informed data models, providing a foundation for reliable risk assessment.


  2. Climate-Informed Data: Teren showcased the true potential of their climate-informed data, providing a dynamic perspective on evolving risks. This information is crucial for staying ahead of environmental threats.


  3. Integrating Environmental Data: The webinar covered essential steps for seamlessly integrating environmental data into risk models. This is important for making informed decisions and developing effective risk management strategies.


  4. Prioritizing Inspection: Attendees were shown how to leverage threat and susceptibility data to prioritize inspection and data collection in critical areas. This approach ensures that resources are efficiently directed to the most at-risk regions.


Overall, the webinar provided valuable insights into the use of advanced data and tools for identifying and managing environmental threats. The combination of Teren‘s expertise and pipelinelogic‘s experience in pipeline integrity management offered attendees a comprehensive understanding of how to enhance risk assessment and mitigate environmental risks effectively.

Unleashing the Power of Weather and External Force Threat data

Watch the webinar to learn more and sign up for Part II of the Series: Leveraging Environmental Twins to Improve Asset Management.

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